Anonymous (Scottish)
All sons of Adam
Anon (Scottish) "All sons of Adam"
All sons of Adam rise up with me
go love the blessed Trinitie.
Sing we nowell, nowell, nowell,
cry Kyrie with hosanna, sing Sabaoth,
sing alleluja, now save us all Emanuel.
Then spak archangel Gabriel,
said Ave Mary mild, the Lord is with thee,
now shall thou go with child.
Ecce ancilla Domini.
Then said the Virgin young:
As thou has said so mot it be.
Welcome be heavin’s king.
Ther cam a ship fair sailand then,
Sanct Michael was the steiresman,
Sanct John sat in the horn.
Our Lord harpit, our Lady sang
and all the bells of heav’n they rang
on Christsonday at morn.
Then sang the angels all and sum:
Lauda Jerusalem, Dominum,
lauda Deum tuum Sion.
The sons of Adam answered them:
sing glore be to thee God and man,
the Father and the Sprit also,
with honor and perpetual jo.
“Ane sang of the birth of Christ”
Anon (Scottish) "Balulalow"
I come from hevin heich to tell
The best nowells that e’er befell,
To you thir tythings trew I bring
And will I of them say and sing.
This day to you is born ane child
Of Marie meik and Virgin mild.
That blissit bairn bening and kind,
Sall you rejoyce baith hart and mind.
Lat us rejoyis and be blyth
And with the Hyrdis go full swyth
And see what God of His grace hes done
Throu Christ to bring us to His throne.
My saull and life stand up and see
Wha lyis in ane cribbe of tree.
What babe is that, sa gude and fair
It is Christ, God’s Son and Air.
O my deir hart, yung Jesus sweit
Prepair Thy creddill in my spreit!
And I sall rock Thee in my hart
And never mair fra Thee depart.
Bot I sall praise Thee evermoir
With sanges sweit unto Thy gloir,
The kneis of my hart sall I bow
And sing that rycht Balulalow.
Joy to the person
Anon (Scottish) "Joy to the person"
1. Joy to the person of my love
Altho she me disdain.
Fixt are my thoghts and may not move
And yet I love in vain.
Shall I lose the sight
of my joy and heart’s delight
Or shall I leave my sute?
Shall I strive to touch?
Oh, no, it were too much:
She is forbidden fruit.
Oh, woe is me, that ever i did see
The beauty that did me bewitch.
Yet, out a-lace! I must forgo that face
The treasour I esteem’d so much.
4. A thousand good fortuns fal to her share
Although she hath rejected me
And fill’d my sad heart full of dispaire
Yet ever shall I constant be,
For she is the Dame
my tongue shall ever name
Fair branch of modestie,
Choise of heart and mind,
oh, were she half so kind
Then would she pitie me.
Sweet, turn at last, be kind as thou art chast
And let me in thy bosom dwell.
So shall we gain the pleasur of love’s pain.
Till then, my deirest deir, farewell.