Jan Boleslavsky

Jan Facilis Boleslavsky was a theorist and composer active in Prostejov and Mladá Boleslav in the later 16th century.  His work is found in ‘Sbornik Dobrenského’ (‘Dobrensky Anthology’), printed in Prague by Václav Dobrensky in 1589. 

Kdyz jsi v stesti

This beautiful Tenorlied is from the ‘Sbornik Dobrenského’, printed in Prague,1589.  The tenor melody is so good we thought we might be excused an accompanying “oo”.  We won’t do it again!

Jan Boleslavsky "Kdyz jsi v stesti"

by Concentus Musicus MN, Arthur Maud, dir. | Concentus Cantorum 'Sing We and Chant' 1979

Kdyz jsi v stesti, mas pratel mnoho,

jestlize pravda jest, ver mi toho;

nestesti vsak jestliz nastane,

ze sta pritel jeden nezustane.

Jaka vira, zlost nevera,

vse pusobi zle domneni,

ze pratelstvo pro malou vec se rosdeli.



If luck is with you, you’ll have many friends,

trust me, that’s the truth.

If, however, misfortune comes,

of a hundred friends, not one is left.

Anger, unfaithfulness,

all create bad feelings–

friendships break over little things.